
Grooming Tips for a Great Looking Dog!

How to Get Beveled Ear Style for Dogs

how to get beveled ear style for dogs

The Beveled Ear style is found on many dogs – such as the Poodle, Bichon or Shih Tzu – with dropped ears and long coats that require full haircuts. The key with this ear is to keep it in style with the breed profile, as well as nicely balanced to suit the trim and body shape of the pet.

Most beveled ears have a soft curve to their base or are left fully natural. The length can vary from being rimmed to the end of the ear leather or left well beyond.

No matter the ear length, the process is the same. Gently round the edge, giving it a nice curve or leave it blunt-cut with straight or curved shears. If the line is too sharp, soften it with thinning shears. Double check the front and the back side of the bevel for smoothness.

Dogs with longer ear furnishings often have a noticeable residue from being dragged in the food and water dish. The length of the muzzle will determine the length of the ear furnishings.

  • To remove a fair amount of length, trim first with standard straight or curved shears.
  • Double  and triple check the shape of the bevel, especially on the inner back section of the ear.
  • The ear coat must be squeaky clean and totally mat and tangle free.
  • Afterward, if you want a softer look, edge lightly with thinning shears.
  • Always be highly aware of the length and location of the ear leather prior to trimming.
  • An ear leather that droops substantially longer than its mate is common on pets that have had a stroke.
How to Get Beveled Ear Style for Dogs was last modified: by

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How to Get Beveled Ear Style for Dogs

how to get beveled ear style for dogs

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