
Grooming Tips for a Great Looking Dog!

How to Avoid Clipper Burn on Your Dog

how to avoid clipper burn on your dog

Many dogs suffer from clipper burn every time they are clipped, while others are never bothered. Generally, white and light colored dogs seem to be more affected than dark colored dogs. Clipper burn progresses like a chain reaction. First, the skin becomes red and irritated, then the dog starts scratching.

If the irritated areas are ignored and not treated at this stage, the dog continues to scratch until the tender areas become raw with painful, open sores. To avoid clipper burn on your sensitive dog, follow these steps.

  1. Don’t use a fine blade on the sensitive areas, especially on a young dog. Remember, you can always take more hair off, but you can’t put it back. Until you know your dog can take a closer clip, use a No. 10 blade when clipping a sensitive dog.
  2. Do not clip any sensitive areas before shampooing. Instead, bathe the dog with a medicated shampoo, which can help to control clipper burn.
  3. When clipping any sensitive parts after the dog is shampooed and dried, be sure the clipper blade is clean and cool. Never clip a sensitive dog with a blade that is hot. As you clip, periodically test the blade by placing it against your wrist. If it feels hot to the touch, spray the blade with Oster Kool Lube or other aerosol spray designed to cool clipper blades.
  4. When clipping the sensitive areas, always hold the clipper blade flat against the skin. Never point the edges of the blade into the dog’s skin. This is a common reason for clipper burn on the genital areas of male Poodles. Clipping underneath the back legs is an awkward job and, if the groomer holds the clippers at a slight angle instead of flat against the skin, it could cause enough irritation to start the dog scratching.
  5. Do not use a dull blade or one with missing teeth to clip the sensitive areas.
  6. After the dog’s nails are trimmed, smooth the rough edges of each nail immediately with a file or emery board. One reason why clipper burn is a problem on the face is because your dog can scratch its face easily. Don’t ever just hack off the ends of the nails with a trimmer and not buff the
    sharp edges with a file.
  7. As soon as the sensitive areas are clipped, treat them with an anti-itch lotion or spray for dogs (available from most mail-order pet supply catalogs) or with Bactine or Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion to sooth the skin and prevent any irritation. The product you use should be greaseless so the dog will not try to rub it off.
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How to Avoid Clipper Burn on Your Dog

how to avoid clipper burn on your dog

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