Grooming Tips for a Cesky Terrier | Dog Grooming Tutorial


Grooming Tips for a Great Looking Dog!

Grooming Tips for a Cesky Terrier

grooming tips for a cesky terrier

A Cesky Terrier’s coat requires daily grooming and regular trimming. The legs and belly are left unclipped to form a low skirt, while the hair on the foreface is grown into a beard and eyebrows. The hair on the body should be no more than half inch (1,5 cm) long.

The coat is silky in texture, slightly wavy and has a metallic sheen. The color is gray, occasionally with tan markings on the cheeks, the underside of the muzzle, the lower parts of the legs and under the tail. Small white patches and a white collar or tail tip are permissible. Very, very rarely, a brown specimen is found.

Equipment needed: Slicker brush, wide-toothed comb, thinning and straight scissors, and clippers with No. 10 and No. 7F blades.

A slicker brush should never be used on a show dog’s coat, which should be brushed with a bristle brush instead. Pet dogs should be trimmed approximately every eight weeks.

  • Brush through the long hair with a slicker to remove tangles, paying attention to under the arm where mats may form.
  • Bathe the dog using a combined shampoo/ conditioner and make sure you rinse thoroughly.
  • Blow-dry the coat, combing through the long hair with a wide-toothed comb.
  • Clip the skull with an Oster No. 7F, from above the eyes moving back to the neck. Clip the ears against the growth of the hair, using a No. 10.
  • Carefully trim the edges of the ears with scissors.
  • Using a No. 7F and clipping against the growth of the hair, clip from 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the point of the elbow, over the shoulder and up the neck. Follow a horizontal line between the legs to the throat and up to a line from the edge of the mouth via the corner of the eye to the top edge of the ear.
  • Clip the neck and body with a No. 7F leaving a skirt.
  • Using a No. 7F and clipping against the direction of hair growth, clip the hindquarters from just above the hock to the groin. Leave the feathering on the front of the hindlegs, as well as the hair from the hock to the foot.
  • Clip the tail from base to the tip and around the anus area.
  • Blend the different lengths of hair using thinning shears.
  • Comb through with a wide-toothed comb.
  • Trim under the feet and between the pads to prevent the hair from forming mats.
  • Thin the beard and leg hair with thinning shears as necessary. Trim around the feet and the ends of the skirt. The finish should look natural, with no hard edges.
  • Check the dog’s nails, ears and teeth.
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Grooming Tips for a Cesky Terrier

grooming tips for a cesky terrier

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