
Grooming Tips for a Great Looking Dog!

Bathing and Cleaning a Border Collie

bathing and cleaning a border collie

A Border Collie doesn’t require bathing and cleaning as often as many other breeds. Once every 3-4 months. Depending on where you live. Like all dogs, Border Collies are prone to roll in manure, dead things, and things too horrible to mention. So if you live in countryside with your Collie, you may have to bathe him more often.

The first-best option, and occasionally, second-best option is to bathe your Border Collie in a strong dog shampoo. Your veterinarian, groomer, or local pet store can typically provide the best type.

Do not use liquid cleaner, human shampoo, or dish washing liquid as such liquids can dry out your dog’s hair. Bathing the dog, allowing him to dry, bathing him again, allowing him to dry, and grooming him will take care of all but the most stubborn odors.

But what if your Border Collie gets “skunked”? You had better hope you have some place to keep him outside; it is better that his kennel or doghouse gets a little smelly than your house.

It may take two or three weeks for the smell to go away, even if you take action.

Removing Skunk Odor

  1. Check for eye irritation. If your Border Collie paws at his eyes, or has red eyes, relieve the irritation with nonprescription eye drops or olive oil.
  2. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and use a dog shampoo to wash the sprayed dog.
  3. While the dog dries a little, take a trip to the grocery store for several cans of tomato juice–do not bother buying the best. Remember, you will be pouring it over a smelly dog.
  4. When you get home, pour enough tomato juice on the dog to soak its coat through. Let it dry for about 30 minutes and wash it out.
  5. Let the dog dry a little while, then soak with tomato juice again. Let it dry another half-hour, rinse, and let dry.
  6. Hopefully, the skunk odor should be at least tolerable. You will probably have to shampoo more than once after this to get the odor completely out of your Border Collie’s fur.

Checking the Anal Glands

One of thebathing and cleaning a border collie most unpleasant duties any dog owner will ever have to perform is checking the anal glands. These are a pair of glands at about five o’clock and seven o’clock just inside the dog’s anus. The glands themselves are about the size of a kidney bean with a short outlet to the anus.

When these outlets become impacted and/or the glands become infected, problems can occur. Tip offs can be when a dog licks his anus much more than usual, turns around and around as if he is trying to catch the base of his tail, or scoots along on his rear through grass or along carpet.

Scooting:  Please understand that if the Border Collie is suffering enough discomfort at this point to scoot around, best get him outside.

Odor:  Frequently, along with the scooting comes one of the most atrocious smells dogs can produce.

The Groomer or Veterinarian

Even though cleaning the glands is a relatively easy task, some owners are not comfortable doing it themselves. No matter who does it, as soon as your dog shows these signs, have your veterinarian or your groomer do it.

If the problem is chronic, ask someone who knows the procedure to show you how so the trips to the veterinarian or groomer will not be so regular. In some extreme cases, your veterinarian may have to treat an extreme infection with antibiotics.

Under most circumstances the anal gland does not have to be cleaned or emptied; natural pressure from bowel movements will empty the glands normally, so regular cleaning of healthy anal glands is not only unnecessary but can actually be harmful.

Keep an eye on your Border Collie, but do not overdo care in this area.

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Bathing and Cleaning a Border Collie

bathing and cleaning a border collie

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