
Grooming Tips for a Great Looking Dog!

Bathing a Great Dane

how to groom a shiba inu at home


Bathing a GBathing-a-Great-Danereat Dane is the only major grooming activity you will need to deal with. His hair will gather oil and dirt. With occasional bath, he will not only have a cleaner coat, but a softer, better-smelling coat, making him more appealing to snuggle.

During warm weather you may wash him outdoors using a bucket or two of warm water. The buckets are for wetting and the first rinse after lathering up.

Use a hose for the final rinse. When performing the task outside, be sure to have full control of him. Otherwise he may run off to roll on the ground and you will need to start all over again! Also it’s not a good idea to wash him on dirt or your lawn, as mud can defeat the purpose.

Washing a Big Dog

Bathing a Great Dane is akin to washing a full sized human. It will not be easy to maneuver him around during the process. You may even opt to do it outdoors. Below are steps in the process.


•    If he is allowed on furniture, place clean, dry blankets on your couch or bed, for he may head for these areas when the bath is done.
•    Safety note: If using a bathtub, have no-slip decals in place to help him keep his footing.
•    Mix up a solution of shampoo and warm water; a little will go a long way. You can put this solution in a bowl, or for more convenience a squirt bottle.


•    Wet him all over. A handheld detachable shower head will make things faster and easier.
•    Try to keep him from shaking. Not only will this wet all the surroundings, but it may cause him to lose his balance. One method is to keep one hand on his neck and shoulder region.
•    Pour the shampoo mixture on him and work it into a lather with your hand. Also useful are a washcloth, a sponge, a shower scrunchie, or even a rubber curry comb.
•    Use a washcloth around his face and ears, and in the folds of his lips.
•    Rinse him down from head to tail, top to bottom.


•    Letting him shake is a good start.
•    Do a quick towel-dry before he makes a break for your couch or bed. You can also use a horse sweat scraper to remove excess water before towel drying.
•    On cold days, be sure he has a place to rest and keep warm.

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Bathing a Great Dane

how to groom a shiba inu at home

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